Hi all, well, this is a bit strange question: could a Web server send interleaved content of two (or more) requested objects to squid cache through the same channel? For example, if a server receives two pipelined requests of two different web objects, it could send their contents interleaved using, for example, chunks. The known common behaviour would be to send one objet content and, after that, to send the content of the second web object, but the commented "strange" behaviour would be very useful to exploit proxy caching in some contexts like multimedia streaming. Another strange question: is it possible to group requests to squid?. A client could group several requests in only one request to the squid proxy. If another client makes other group request that includes one web object also requested by the previous client, this will be recognized and served by the proxy. That's all. Best regards, Juan Pablo Garcia Ortiz jp.garcia.ortiz@xxxxxxxxx jportiz@xxxxxxxxxx jportiz@xxxxxxxx