Sarg shows access by ip. Is there no dist. for osx10.4? If you have
xcode you may be able to stroke it to work.
Quoting Jaime <jaime@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I apologize for what might be a FAQ, but I can't find the details that
I need in order to know what I'm doing. :)
I have a perfectly functioning squid-2.5/DansGuardian/FreeBSD based
transparent proxy running at the public school district that I work in.
What I'd like to do is know who is accessing each URL. Users come
from different IPs all the time. Therefore, I think that this requires
authentication, which in turn requires a switch from transparent to
manual proxying. What I can't figure out is how to set up this
authentication with the LDAP server that I'm already running. Its a
MacOS X Server 10.4 system, if that helps at all.
I found this article in the past:
The problem is that I could never get "pam_auth" to work when invoked
from the command line. So I'm pretty sure that something wasn't done
right, but I don't know what. I realize that the article is written as
if I was compiling squid on OSX and I'm using FreeBSD, so I tried to
make some "course corrections" as I went. I may have screwed those up.
Any ideas? Is this article even harder than I need?
Thanks in advance,
Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools