I need some hints about the following issue.
I upload files from a browser of a client machine to a typo3-Site over
my proxy machine version 2.6.4.
My first configuration works fine:
If I use a Broadband-DSL-Router with FW I can upload
every size to the site.
Know the second configuration:
I go over a Firewall-1 with an special rule for my squid-box to reach
the internet. Here I have following strange behaviour:
- I can never upload files bigger than 1 MB
(request_body_max_size 0 KB).
- I can upload one file with under 1 MB then I take another one
again under 1MB and know the upload hangs and after a few minutes
I get an timeout and the following entry in the squid-access-log:
.... 115683 TCP_MISS/502 1526 POST
http://xxxxxx/typo3/tce_file.php - DIRECT/ test/html
I can upload files if I use the firewall rule directly for the client
machine without the proxy.
I don't know if you could follow me. Have I got a firewall
misconfiguration here?
Thx for any hint.
d a n i e l
Daniel Stellwagen
BRUNATA Wärmemesser GmbH & Co. KG
Aidenbachstraße 40
81379 München
Telefon (089) 7 85 95 - 776
Telefax (089) 7 85 95 - 755
Daniel.Stellwagen at brunata-muenchen.de