After a fair amount of troubleshooting and searching archives/mailing lists/net I have grown weary (again). Built squid 2.6 from src's on a Windows XP pro system. I am using mingw/minsys as a build environment per the instructions found on the acmeconsulting website. ./configure line: ============================ ./configure \ --enable-win32-service \ --enable-htcp \ --enable-icmp \ --disable-wccpv2 \ --disable-wccp \ --enable-underscores \ --enable-storeio='ufs null' \ --enable-removal-policies='heap lru' \ --enable-snmp \ --enable-win32-service \ --enable-useragent-log \ --enable-referer-log \ --enable-auth='basic' \ # Tried configuring with digest as well here --enable-basic-auth-helpers=NCSA \ --with-maxfd=8192 \ --enable-err-languages=English \ --prefix=c:/squid/ Created a passwd file with htpasswd extracted from htpassswd -c c:\squid\etc\passwd web (with a password of web) The passwd file contents look like this: web:Hbdovx.likPeg Tested things out on the command line: C:\>c:\squid\libexec\ncsa_auth c:\squid\etc\passwd web web ERR Wrong password My squid.conf lines: auth_param basic program C:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe C:/squid/etc/passwd acl foo proxy_auth web http_access allow foo acl all src 0/0 http_access deny all Thank you! -Xavier