On 11/6/06, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
mån 2006-11-06 klockan 22:23 +0400 skrev Mohamed Navas V: > What's I am missing (in squid or DNS) to provide all incoming requests > for proxy1.example.com get passed to and proxy1.example.com > to ? ??? Thats the job of the cache_peer + cache_peer_domain lines you posted before..
OK ...thanks a lot Hentrik, But I confused with your previous replay ( assuming the 10.0.0.[1/2] servers know which web site proxy1.example.com is..) bcoz, any more thing has to undestand for 10.0.0.[1/2]servers for resolving to proxy1.example.com ?
Regards Henrik