* Jens Strohschnitter <suse-linux@xxxxxx>: > don't know about "tcp windows scaling" or ECN but if you mean an entry in > the squid.conf, No, it's TCP stack stuff. Google for it. > w3m -no-proxy www.bundessortenamt.de # works > w3m www.bundessortenamt.de # does not work (same as access from client) OK, in that case it must be a squid problem -- Ralf Hildebrandt (i.A. des IT-Zentrums) Ralf.Hildebrandt@xxxxxxxxxx Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155 Gemeinsame Einrichtung von FU- und HU-Berlin Fax. +49 (0)30-450 570-962 IT-Zentrum Standort CBF send no mail to spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx