Help - I realize that my request is probably very basic compared to what
most of you are working on, and so I am a little embarrassed. But I hope
that you will be kind enough to lend me your expertise.
I need a roadmap.
I am beginning a project in which I am supposed to design a proxy server
that modifies or filters content according to certain input parameters
defined by the user through his browser. I am unfamiliar with server
design or with Unix or Linux.
I have a lot of experience with programming and I can learn quickly if
necessary. I would rather use an open source environment to be able to
make any change, any time that I want and be in absolute control without
having to guess or hack at the underlying code.
I assume I should be using Linux. Is there any particular version that I
should be looking for?
I assume I should be using Squid (Unix or Linux based) and probably not
HTTP-Tunnel (Windows-based). Am I correct? Do I need the Windows
Development environment to run HTTP-Tunnel?
I assume I should be using the Firefox browser. It is open source...
So what should be my roadmap?
1) Get Linux?
2) Get Squid?
3) Get Firefox?
4) What are other options? Am I on the right track? Are there any
additional tools/extensions/pitfalls that I should be aware of?
Is there any documentation / model / example that I could use?
I would really appreciate any advice or help that you can give me.