Hello list.
In our network we have following ACLs used to block streaming media:
acl ProtCiv src
acl streaming rep_mime_type -i ^video/x-ms-asf ^video/x-ms-sf
^audio/mpeg ^audio/x-mpeg ^audio/x-pn-realaudio
^application/x-mms-framed ^application/vnd.ms.wm
s-hdr.asfv1 ^video/x-flv ^video/flv
acl block_stream urlpath_regex -i
acl stream_uAgents browser -i ^Engelmann Media Radio Listener
^NSPlayer/* RMA/* Windows-Media-Player/* WMFSDK/* ^RealPlayer* ^QuickTime*
http_access deny !ProtCiv stream_uAgents
http_reply_access deny !ProtCiv block_stream
http_reply_access deny !ProtCiv streaming
Now I need the ProtCiv IP addresses to be restricted to access just the
streaming media in two specific sites, which are:
acl CodiceUno dst
acl RegionePiemonte dstdomain regione.piemonte.it
I'm now confused about *what* to put in there... how should the access
lines be modified? Or do I have to insert something?
Many thanks in advance...
Boniforti Flavio
Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
Ufficio Informatica
Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore
Via dell'Industria, 25
28924 Verbania