tis 2006-09-05 klockan 21:27 -0700 skrev Zaki Akhmad: > The filter I use, is matching the uid with userpassword. I am planning > to match the uid with userCertificate. Then, how do I make the search > filter? I don't think you can use squid_ldap_group to match userCertificate, but you can try... usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -b "ou=paume,o=itb,c=id" -D "cn=admin,ou=paume,o=itb,c=id" -w "rahaSIA" -h localhost -f '(&(uid=% u)(userCertificate=%g))' and then use whatever equates to the username in your setup followed by %USER_CERT in the external_acl_type directive.. Regards Henrik
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