Yes. It's working now after I added defaultsite=<thebackend server domain name> But there is one problem: the https always go to http's backend. If I comment out the http port and put two in the https section, still there is only one backend I can access via Squid. It seems that one instance of Squid can only serve one backend? Is this right? I have to use Windows service to run multiple instances of Squid so that the clients can access multiple backend servers via my Squid. Is this right? I have to recompile Squid with--win32-service. Is this right? Thanks a lot! Fulan Peng. On 8/30/06, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ons 2006-08-30 klockan 11:48 -0400 skrev fulan Peng: > In 2.6S3, the error for https is "invalid request". Http works fine. And I keep saying that you need to configure your https_port proper for accelerator operation. You have not. As result Squid has no clue what to do with the requests received on your https_port, and rejects them. You need AT MIMIMUM to specify a defaultsite=... argument to your https_port. Maybe vhost as well but vhost only makes sense if you have a wildcard certificate as SSL is a bit picky about requested domain names.. Regards Henrik