Hi, i have Squid 2.6-Stable3-NT running on Windows 2000 stand alone
server in Windows 2000 domain. The authentication process work fine. I
have created some global groups in Active Directory called PG_FullWeb,
..., PG_NoLog.
I will use the last group PG_NoLog only for handling log, but if i add
the following lines in squid.conf the user cannot surf the web because
appeare continuously the login form:
acl AD_NoLog external NT_global_group PG_NoLog
log_access deny AD_NoLog
log_access allow all
The user can access the site (http_access directive), but if it is not
listed in PG_NoLog group (log_access directive) the authentication fail
and appear the Authentication form. AD_NoLog's users activity must NOT
be logged. All other users MUST be logged.
It's a workaround? This behaviour is correct?