Stuart J. Newman wrote:
I am running squid 2.5.STABLE3 from Redhat in Redhat Enterprise Linux 3. I have followed the instructions to increase the number of filedescriptors to 2048 using the instructions in the FAQ. I have checked include/autoconf.h and verified that the 2048 number was in the header file. However, when I use Cachemgr to examine the number of filedescriptors, it says I have only 1024.
Where have I gone wrong?
Stuart J. Newman
System Engineer IT
Globalsat Telecommunications
Voice (240) 553-9423
Fax (301) 483-4350
Hello Newman,
Squid might be compiled with 1024 filedescriptors. So need to set the
"ulimit -HSn 2048" and recompile the squid.
Visolve Squid Team