Henrik Nordstrom schrieb:
ons 2006-08-16 klockan 17:33 +0200 skrev Alexander Schaber:
Now how can I configure Squid in order to not ask again (after already
logging onto the machine) for user/pass but still have a user based logging.
For Windows clients see the Winbind chapter in the FAQ.
I guess this somehow what you mean:
I've already thought about that solution, but I've noticed that it
wouldn't work for Linux Clients.
For the SuSe clients I am afraid it's not possible as the login
management in SuSe or most other UNIX like systems does not have SSO
capabilities in the same manner. SSO using the system account is heavily
dependent on OS infrastructure having SSO support, combined with using
clients capable of making use of said OS infrastructure.
Which other OS could be used with SSO?
Isn't Kerberos supposed to integrate SSO? I've read that it will be
integrated with Squid 3?