On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 06:34 +0200, Antonello PAPA wrote: > Plese help! > I'm usig FC4 and Squid 2.5STABLE9. I can't start squid. The squid.out say: > "no running Copy". > If I do "ps aux | grep squid" I don't find any squid pid. > The GUI for starting the services say: "squid inactive but pid file exist" > If I remove the pid file the GUI sai: "squid inactive but subsys locked" > Them if I restart squid from the GUI I get only one pid file and I think > there should be two. But it doesn't work. RedHat init script stupidities. remove /var/lock/subsys/squid, or start Squid manually not using the init script. /usr/sbin/squid Regards Henrik