I´ve tried that, but it didn´t work as expected. I´ve replaced lines as
http_access allow usr_site1 password
http_access allow usr_site2 password
http_access allow usr_site3 password
with this line:
http_access allow usr_site1 usr_site2 usr_site3 password
It didn´t work. Is this behavior correct? Did I do anything wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Luis Talora
Henrik Nordstrom escreveu:
fre 2006-06-23 klockan 08:59 -0300 skrev "Luís Fernando C. Talora":
So, is it possible to create an ACL to group the other ACLs? Something
line an "all_users" ACL containing the "site1_users", "site2_users" ...
and "siteN_users" ACLs, is it possible? It would make a lot easier to
add new sites/ACLs when necessary...
You can list multiple groups in the same acl..