On 15.06.06 11:05, Chris Lightfoot wrote: > I have squid running as an accelerator in front of a site > certain of whose pages generate Last-Modified: headers and > respond to If-Modified-Since: conditional GETs. When > viewing such a page through the accelerator, squid will > send an IMS: request to the back-end on each page view, > even if it is less than one second since the last such > request was sent. I think that's 100% correct. DO those pages have Expires: header? > Is this the expected behaviour? It seems a bit pointless, > given that the resolution of date in the headers is only > 1s, so if the most recent version of the object squid has > cached has Last-Modified: during the current second, > there's no chance that an IMS: request is going to get a > different version of it. note that object can change at _any_ time, new object may be here within microsecond. and since the time on server may be different, you never know in which one microsecond the time changes :) > (I appreciate, by the way, that this is all completely > broken anyway, because the underlying pages may change > more than one per second and this mechanism won't spot > that. But that's life.) if that makes such big problem, just use header "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" and don't care about caching. (or, send page if it changed in last second, no matter what does IMS say) -- Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address. Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu. I don't have lysdexia. The Dog wouldn't allow that.