Hi guys Been off list for a while, but am now in a bit of a situation. A few days ago we lost our main internet link due to a fiber fault underwater somewhere near Singapore. Going from 80/80mbits to 2/4mbits has forced me to suspend web browsing and concentrate more on email services working. Problem is, we were told the repairs would take 3 days (today being the last day) but now told to wait a further 10...i think you can guess where i am right now with no paddle ;) So this morning i had a thought, and decided to look at offering the most basic web browsing possible, ideally mime type text/html and whatever other mime type depends on it to offer text only browsing, with no downloading of other media like pictures/flash etc. Now i've seen posts that offer an exclusion list using req_mime_type, but i want to go the other way around, allowing only a few mime types....is this possible ? I've configured something like the following: acl MINIMAL req_mime_type ^text/html$ http_access allow MINIMAL http_access deny all but as you can guess, no joy. Anyways, i'm scrabbling for ideas, and as you can understand it's pretty critical right now. Thanks for any constructive input in advance. Cheers, Karl -- Signature withheld due to peer pressure.