Hiya All, I have managed to get squid up and running and authenticating users that attempt to access it. Now my problem is this. I have 5 IP addresses, depending on which IP address the users use I ned the tcp_outgoing_address to be different. Here are the settings so far (might give you a better idea): acl 19_93_97_250 proxy_auth REQUIRED acl 19_93_97_251 proxy_auth REQUIRED acl 19_93_97_252 proxy_auth REQUIRED acl 19_93_97_253 proxy_auth REQUIRED acl 19_93_97_254 proxy_auth REQUIRED http_access allow 19_93_97_250 http_access allow 19_93_97_251 http_access allow 19_93_97_252 http_access allow 19_93_97_253 http_access allow 19_93_97_254 http_access deny all tcp_outgoing_address 19_93_97_250 tcp_outgoing_address 19_93_97_251 tcp_outgoing_address 19_93_97_252 tcp_outgoing_address 19_93_97_253 tcp_outgoing_address 19_93_97_254 All requests still seem to be going through the first ip unfortunately. Now the second dilemma I will also face is I would need only specific authenticated users to be able to use each IP, for example user_1 is authenticated but should only be able to access the proxy on IP and none of the others. Any clues on how to get this going would be appreciated! I would appreciate detailed information as I've tried so much experimentation now things just keep going wrong. Regards Shadi