Hi, I'm currently using Squid Stable 2.5.9 on SPARC/Solaris 2.8, in my Live enviroment, but plan upgrade the Squids to Latest version 2.5.13. In my development environment I've built Squid 2.5.13 with the 'Customizable log format'patch obtained from http://devel.squidcache.org/old_projects.html#customlog, everything other than the time offset seem fine, as you suggested in another post I will manually specify the date time, and leave out the offset, hopefully Webtrends won't have any issues with this. However I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions. Will future releases of squid be compatible with the Customizable log patch up until Squid release 3? we now have a requirement to log Referrer and User agent, but am also keen to run the most recent stable version. Will Squid 3 go to a stable release anytime soon? TIA Mark S.