> Since SSL objects are inherently uncachable, you could of course choose to modify the client policy so these sessions > always go direct, bypass squid. Personally I wouldn't do that, and I route all browser traffic through squid and do > not see this problem. This may be my next step - I will not use proxy for any SSL traffic, and use the Wensense integration for the firewall to manage the traffic for https. It does mean an additional server which the ISA setup didn't seem to require. Thanks Legal disclaimer: The views expressed in this email are, unless otherwise stated, those of the author and not those of the FirstRand Banking Group (Reg. No. 1929/001225/06) or its management. The information in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted in reliance on this, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Whilst all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of information and data transmitted electronically and to preserve the confidentiality thereof, no liability or responsibility whatsoever is accepted if information is, for whatever reason, corrupted or does not reach its intended destination. RMB Private Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited, is an Authorised Financial Services Provider.