> Hi all. > > Maybe this seems the already-asked question about Squid sizing. I had a look > at the faq, searched the list archives (and google) but I did not find a > satisfying answer. > I have some experience as a Linux admin, with some Squid installations, but > only for small sites. Now I was asked to propose a squid based solution for > url filtering of the web traffic of 12.000 users. The speed of the Internet > connection is 54Mbit/sec. Unfortunately at the moment I am not given the > amount of http requests per second, but I suppose that web surfing is not > the main business of these users, so they are not going to use all that > bandwidth with http. > I was asked if all this can be done with just a cluster made of 2 machines > for availability (which would be appreciated, since tha main point seems to > be url filtering, not necessarily to save bandwidth), or if it is mandatory > to implement a cache hierarchy. > I thought about some scenarios. In the worst one I assumed I need 400 Gbyte > of storage for cache and about 10 Gbyte of RAM. I would like know if it is > possibile (and safe) to run such a Squid machine. In particular, I wonder if > I'm going to run out of file descryptors, available TCP ports, or there are > other constraints I should think about. Or if maybe I should better consider > splitting the load on a set of different machines. > - The amount of storage needed, should roughly equal the total amount off traffic generated by this community for one week. This also puts a requirement on the needed phys mem. the box should have (see FAQ). - On average usage 12.000 users could lead to a 300reqs/sec range , on average, which is rather high-end. I would advise a low-end server with highest cpu-Ghz available. In that case I would probably use 2 , with load balancing. M.