> Hi, > > I'm having some difficulties with getting Basic Authentication (IIS5) > and Squid 2.5 STABLE5 configured as a reverse proxy. > > Configuration: > USER -> (port 8080, public IP) SQUID SERVER -> (port 80, 192.168...) > IIS5 > > It's almost working, but when I introduce the password, it seems to try > change the address in the web browser to the 192.168... to which > obviously the user doesn't have any access. > > However, if I manually change the address in the browser to the public > IP, it works fine from then on. > > I'm new to Squid, so it's probably something stupid that I've done. > I've checked the FAQs and mailing lists, but have found nothing. > > http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-23.html#ss23.6 M.