I'm proud to anounce that the 0.5 version of Squid performance optimizer
Squeezer has been released. There are few, but useful changes:
- updated statistics logic,
- added local Squid's memory and disk performance,
- added performance gain measures.
Performance gain tell you how much faster or slower fetching the web
objects is thanks to using whole web hierarchy, local Squid, peers or
going through parents. There is also performance gain for memory hits
telling you how efficient you RAM cache is. The performance gain
considers average speed and traffic volume of any traffic category so
it can show this category's influence at whole speed fetching.
The website of the project is here:
You can also get files from Squrceforge:
Best regards,
Maciej Koziński
callto: maciej_kozinski, tlen: maciej_kozinski, gg: 3315046