Hi, I am setting up squid on FreeBSD 6.0 with pam authentication. When I start squid, I get the following error : 2006/01/03 17:44:08 parseConfigFile: line 13 unrecognized: authenticate_program /usr/local/libexec/squid/pam_auth /etc/master.passwd' 2006/01/03 17:44:08 Invalid Proxy Auth ACL 'acl askpass proxy_auth REQUIRED' because no authentication schemes are fully configured. FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 36: acl askpass proxy_auth REQUIRED Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE12): Terminated abnormally. My squid.conf contains : authenticate_program /usr/local/libexec/squid/pam_auth /etc/master.passwd (Line 13) acl askpass proxy_auth REQUIRED (Line 36) My /etc/pam.d/squid contains one single line : auth required pam_unix.so no_warn try_first_pass /usr/local/etc/pam.d/squid is symlinked to /etc/pam.d/squid. The file /usr/local/libexec/squid/pam_auth has permissions 555. Can anyone please tell me what might be wrong ? I have listed the contents of my /etc/rc.conf below : sendmail_enable="NO" sendmail_submit_enable="NO" sendmail_outbound_enable="NO" sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO" gateway_enable="YES" inetd_enable="YES" keyrate="fast" linux_enable="YES" nfs_client_enable="YES" nfs_server_enable="YES" rpcbind_enable="YES" saver="logo" sshd_enable="YES" usbd_enable="YES" ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask" ifconfig_dc0="inet netmask" defaultrouter="" hostname="unxfbsdi.itgindia.com" squid_enable="YES" samba_enable="YES" apache22_enable="YES" webmin_enable="YES" svscan_enable="YES" clamav_clamd_enable="YES" clamav_freshclam_enable="YES" clamav_milter_enable="YES" clamsmtpd_enable="YES" Thanks for any help. Manish Jain __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. dsl.yahoo.com