Boniforti Flavio wrote:
Hello all.
I'm getting reports which show huge traffic amounts on some http IP
addresses. These point to ports like 9000, 8000, 8100, 9720, and the
like. When I put those URLs in the browser, I get to some shoutcast
servers (let's take as an example: How may
I block this sort of streaming media?
Here the relevant log lines:
Hi Boniforti
I use this in my squid.conf file.
I basically deny the client used.
## Stop multimedia downloads ##
acl useragent browser -i ^.*NSPlayer.*
acl useragent browser -i ^.*player.*
acl useragent browser -i ^.*Windows-Media-Player.*
acl useragentq rep_mime_type ^.*video.*
acl useragentq rep_mime_type ^.*audio.*
http_access deny useragent
http_access deny useragentq
For future, you may want to try switching "log_mime_hdrs off" to on and then you will see the clients used in you
Kind Regards
Brent Clark