You either create an ACL on the fly and restart the
service.Transparently the connections will disappear smoothly :-)
.Otherwise drop the packets from those clients with iptables(immediate
effect) restart iptables
PGP Fingerprint: 6695 794A B84E D922 88FB 73CC 6CBD 8036 B3CD 7304
We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are
Ernest Beinrohr wrote:
I have several connection on my squid proxy server, but I need to
close some of them (notorious downloaders) without restarting the
whole server. Does someone know a way how to do this. I have admin
access to both my linux server and also to cache_manager.
2.5.STABLE9 on mandrake 10.0 (kernel 2.4.21)