Hello, Here is : /proc/meminfo: squid@proxy1:/root$ more /proc/meminfo total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached: Mem: 1058295808 1040723968 17571840 0 125198336 713523200 Swap: 1048645632 12443648 1036201984 MemTotal: 1033492 kB MemFree: 17160 kB MemShared: 0 kB Buffers: 122264 kB Cached: 696028 kB SwapCached: 772 kB Active: 137096 kB Inactive: 829072 kB HighTotal: 131056 kB HighFree: 2044 kB LowTotal: 902436 kB LowFree: 15116 kB SwapTotal: 1024068 kB SwapFree: 1011916 kB Here is /etc/profile : squid@proxy1:/root$ more /etc/profile # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1)) # and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...). PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games" if [ "$PS1" ]; then if [ "$BASH" ]; then PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ ' else if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then PS1='# ' else PS1='$ ' fi fi fi export PATH umask 022 proxy1:~# su squid squid@proxy1:/root$ ulimit unlimited and : squid@proxy1:/root$ more /etc/default/squid # # /etc/default/squid Configuration settings for the Squid proxy server. # # Max. number of filedescriptors to use. You can increase this on a busy # cache to a maximum of (currently) 4096 filedescriptors. Default is 1024. SQUID_MAXFD=4096 I can't realy find where could be the mistake. L.G. -----Original Message----- From: Robert Borkowski [mailto:rborkows@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Donnerstag, 3. November 2005 16:38 To: Gix, Lilian (CI/OSR) * Cc: Henrik Nordstrom; squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Squid unreachable every hour and 6 minutes. Gix, Lilian (CI/OSR) * wrote: > The server has 1G of RAM (only 100M for squid) > 2005/11/02 10:07:05| Max Mem size: 102400 KB ^^^^^^ I asked about memory because of this line... Two possibilities 1) The kernel is killing off squid because there's no VM left. What's in /proc/meminfo ? 2) There's a process ulimit that squid hits and it gets killed off that way. Check for ulimit in /etc/profile or the squid startup script In either case, you need to lower the amount of memory used by squid to below whatever the limit is. I was hoping for some 'out of memory', or 'OOM killer', or 'zero order allocation' errors in the dmesg output. If they're not there then the second (ulimit) possibility is most likely. -- Robert Borkowski