On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Bernard Barton wrote:
I have Squid configured as a reverse proxy, which in part looks
something like this:
httpd_accel_host www.somedomain.com
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_host www.someotherdomain.com
httpd_accel_port 80
In my /etc/hosts file I have the Squid proxy server's IP address
listed like: www.somedomain.com somedomain.com www.someotherdomain.com someotherdomain.com
For the above you need something like
httpd_accel_host your.main.domain
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
and make sure your http_access rules restricts which domains may be
accessed via the reverse proxy..
So when I type either of the URL's above into my browser, Squid proxies
the request to the appropriate host. Is it possible to include a URL path
when proxying requests, or do I need a redirector?
If you want to change the URL-path while the request is forwarded by the
reverse proxy then you need to use a redirector.