Hi, I really need help. I am using squid-2.5.STABLE11 now, was using 2.5.STABLE10 with all official patches and I am having troubles with downloads. If I try do download big files ( 18MB, 4MB, 38MB ), it starts downloading, but suddenly the browser stalls and stops downloading. I thought it was because delay-pools, but I disabled all delay_pools lines in squid.conf and the problem remains. I tried "bypassing" que proxy and so download was fine, keeping all other elements equals( router, firewall, network, etc). I am trying to get cachemgr.cgi to work, but still having problemas (forbidden access). Could somebody give me some help? What kind of information could I give here to clarify things? Until last week, everything was fine. Only things I have changed was squid patches/version. Thank you in advance for your attention. Cassio