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Squid Clustered configuration

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Hi to everybody,
i have a little question on clustered squid configuration. I installed a precompiled squid version (squid-2.5.STABLE3-6.3E.9 on RedHat ES3 up5)and i bind the listen port on a virtual ip (ie: eth:0:1) using: http_port <ip on virtual nic>:<port> and now squid is listening on in the defined ip. On firewall logs i see that squid requests has the original ip source (ie eth0) and not the virtual one (eth0:1). For security reasons i would like force the ip source . Can be done on squid or i need of a NAT rule on the firewall?
Many Thanks in Advance


Alessandro Favretto Sistemista servizi di rete
Fracarro S.p.a.


Tel +39 0423.7361
Fax +39 0423.736220

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