Hello, I've got a squid architecture with an internal proxy that is forwarding internet request to two parent proxies defined as round-robin. We've got a problem with some particular internet https website that seem not to be able to deal with requests that may come from our two parent proxy during a same session. Is there a way to avoid this problem ? Thanks in advance, Lionel --------------------------------------------------------- CE COURRIER ELECTRONIQUE EST A USAGE STRICTEMENT INFORMATIF ET NE SAURAIT ENGAGER DE QUELQUE MANIERE QUE CE SOIT EADS ASTRIUM SAS, NI SES FILIALES. SI UNE ERREUR DE TRANSMISSION OU UNE ADRESSE ERRONEE A MAL DIRIGE CE COURRIER, MERCI D'EN INFORMER L'EXPEDITEUR EN LUI FAISANT UNE REPONSE PAR COURRIER ELECTRONIQUE DES RECEPTION. SI VOUS N'ETES PAS LE DESTINATAIRE DE CE COURRIER, VOUS NE DEVEZ PAS L'UTILISER, LE CONSERVER, EN FAIRE ETAT, LE DISTRIBUER, LE COPIER, L'IMPRIMER OU EN REVELER LE CONTENU A UNE TIERCE PARTIE. This email is for information only and will not bind EADS Astrium SAS in any contract or obligation, nor its subsidiaries. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by return email. If you are not the addressee of this email, you must not use, keep, disseminate, copy, print or otherwise deal with it. ---------------------------------------------------------