I fully admit to being a newbie (2 days uptime) Squid Proxy admin with a half-way working Squid 2.5P6/Mandrake 10.1 installation. I'm trying to make a 48Kbit/second [kilobit.. not kilobyte] max. throughput shared multi-use [phones, internet, and a VPN] connection at least partially usable on a isolated/remote network of 50+ machines. If I'm lucky I think I can get 90Kbit/sec-like performance with a properly configured Squid server. Test box is a PIII-550/448MB ram/30 gig HD. Network Configuration: Bunch of Clients -> Squid Proxy Server (Mine) -> Link to outside world -> Squid Proxy Server/Firewall (Not_Mine) -> Internet. I have no control of the "Not_Mine" Proxy, and I'd rather they not even notice that I have a proxy set up (cache_peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx parent 80 7 no-query is my friend). After reading through the www.squid-cache.org FAQ and everything else that I managed to download, I've still got two stupid newbie ACL configuration problems with my proxy. - My ACL that allows people to login to mail.yahoo.com isn't working, but the example one for Hotmail does. Does always_direct only allow one ACL per line? acl hotmail dstdomain .hotmail.com acl yahoo dstdomain .yahoo.com always_direct hotmail yahoo - My ACL for regex php handling doesn't work, but the example one for cgi-bin does (slashdot and google work fine, but groklaw doesn't) and I have no clue why. hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? no_cache deny QUERY hierarchy_stoplist php ? acl QUERY1 urlpath_regex php \? no_cache deny QUERY1 I've managed to get webpages that have previously taken 10 minutes to download (Slashdot with full images) to download in less than 3 minutes, So I'd like to make the proxy work as well as it can. Any suggestions? - SeaGROL