Hi all; Sometimes (during peak hours) our squid is closing the connection after receiving the NTLM type 2 message. The complete attempt is described below: 1- IE sends a HTTP GET with no authentication 2- Squid answers with HTTP 407 and closes the connection (Proxy connection: close) 3- IE reopens the connection and sends a HTTP GET with NTLMv2 Type 1 message 4- Squid answers with HTTP 407, the NTLM Type 2 message and closes the connection again: (Proxy connection: close) 5- IE tries to send NTLM Type3 message but a FIN packet was already sent by SQUID, and Squids answers with a reset. The correct thing to do was a (Proxy connection: keepalive), like it does in most of the time. Any idea why it is doing that? It is not done to all connections, but during peak hours it is quite annoying, because the web pages appear with images missing (connections that were prematurely closen). Rafael Sarres de Almeida Se=E7=E3o de Gerenciamento de Rede Superior Tribunal de Justi=E7a Tel: (61) 319-9342