Hi, I wonder if anyone might be able to help. I am using two delay pools (one type 1 and one type 3): delay_pools 2 delay_class 2 3 delay_parameters 2 8192/10247680 -1/-1 4096/524288 delay_class 1 1 delay_parameters 1 8192/8192 acl downloads url_regex -i \.(com|exe|pif|bat|bz2|gz|rar|rpm|sit|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|tbz2|tgz|zip|pdf)($|\?|&) delay_access 1 allow downloads delay_access 2 allow all The idea is that most surfing goes through pool 2 (and has per IP throttling applied) but downloads go into pool 1 (and don't). The numbers above are not yet tuned but show the general idea. I would like the aggregate figures to come out of a single "hyper pool" of 8192 kps. The above defines a total line use of 16384Kbytes/s. If I make it delay_parameters 2 4096/10247680 -1/-1 yada/yada delay_parameters 1 4096/8192 Then the surfers only get maximum of 4096 if the downloaders are not downloading whereas I would like the surfers to have the downloaders "spare" 4096. Any help much appreciated! Adrian Hudson Devon, UK