Hi, I want to build up a proxy cache solution for a small company with 7 clients. They want that the proxy filters Javascript, ActiveX and Viruses in downloads. 1. I looked around in the web and I have found viralator. It checks Files for viruses. Is that viralator good or is there better software? 2. squid for caching. 3. squidguard to have a nice control over URL's 4. privoxy (junkbuster) for javascript and activex. Does it really filter active-x? The only hint I have found is: http://groups.google.de/group/spline.eisfair.dev/browse_frm/thread/e53d2 7bd9e88481/3258c8abc5a361b2?q=privoxy+active-x&rnum=1&hl=de#3258c8abc5a3 61b2 Another thing would be squid-filter from http://sites.inka.de/sites/bigred/devel/squid-filter.html But I am not sure if they are really stable or in productive use by now? My favourite operating system is Debian Sarge... Has anyone experience with such a setup? Any hints about the best way? Thanks Achim Stumpf