On Wed, 11 May 2005, Ryan Lamberton wrote:
Thank you for your help. The perl script does work. I had:
external_acl_type propel_header_auth %{x-pun} /etc /squid/ident.pl x-pun
and the x-pun at the end of the external_acl_type was causing the problem. I wasn't sure why it was there but it caused the script to fail and took squid down with it.
Any data you have in the acl is sent after the format details. So in this case the input to your script send by Squid would have been
base64-encoded-username x-pun
I also added quotes around the username (OK user="username") just in case (I was not sure the @ character was allowed). So far all things are working great!
@ is allowed. It's only quotes, whitespace and \ characters you need to be careful with. If you use the 3.0 protocol then handling of "odd" characters is simplified by URL escaping.
Regards Henrik