On Wed, 11 May 2005, Chris Knipe wrote:
my @Info = split(/ /, $_);
my $SQL = $GlobalDB->query("SELECT CustData.isProxy AS Validated FROM CustData LEFT JOIN SquidUsers ON CustData.EntryID=SquidUsers.CustID WHERE SquidUsers.isActive='y' AND SquidUsers.Qouta > 100 AND CustData.isProxy='y' AND CustData.isActive='y' AND CustData.DebtCode='" . $Info[0] . "' AND CustData.Password='" . $Info[1] . "'");
Not directly related to your problem but be warned that you are subject to SQL injection here...... you should not insert untrusted data directly into SQL queries like this..
What is scaring, is that I have absolutely NOTHING reported by syslog....
Try adding some syslogs around the connect etc to verify that the script actually got running proper.
The debug logs you sent earlier only indicated that Squid challenged the browser to provide login credentials, and this never came back from the browser. In most if not all browsers this should display a login dialog.
Regards Henrik