the problem can be solved very easily with http_access #define the hours , ex 2 hours acl 2hours time 9:00-11:00 #define the student and the ip ( for auth acl student acl xx.xx.xx.xx #allow the ip for the resp time http allow day student this is the fastest way i could think of a solution, if you need something else , or i understood wrong the e'mail tell me and i'll try to find you another solution --- Balaram Dey <bdey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Sir, > > I m a technical asisstant of a college. Student of > the college access > internet through a Squid Proxy Cacheing Server. > Machines (clients) are > limited but everyone want to access internet. If any > student sit in one > machine, he continuously access internet without > thinking of the other > student. As a result of that other students fails to > get access internet. > Is it possible to fix some hours(time) per > week/month for each > student(user) i,e Quota System. > > I want a solution such that a student(user) can get > some fixed > hour(defined in the server) per week. > > Please help me. > > > Balaram Dey (CSE Dept.) > College Of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat > KTPP Town Ship > Kolaghat, Midnapur (East) > West Bengal > > ------------------- Funieru Bogdan Admin MosilorNET Contact Info: Mob: 0742158956 0726592752 0744301506(very rare) ------------------- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.