D & E Radel schrieb:
Matthias Dettling wrote:
Hello grolschie,
as I know %s isn't a variable that is passed to
/usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth, instead it is a
variable from that program,
which tells it, that %s must be replaced with
the username.
By the way parameters of a shell script can be
found in $1, $2, ...
The name, password pair is passed to the script
by the auth_param basic
program command. What you have to do is reading
from stdin and pass it
to all of your /usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth commands
in the script and then
evaluate the result.
Reading from stdin, can be done by something
like this:
# reading stdin
# pass stdin to /usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth
DOM1=`echo $INP | /usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth ...`
DOM2=`echo $INP | /usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth ...`
Now the only thing you have to do is evaluate
DOM1, DOM2, ... if one of
it equals to "OK". And depending on this execute
echo "OK" or echo "ERR".
I hope this helps.
Wow! Thanks big time Matthias! :-)
So the evaluation should be something like this?
if [$DOM1="OK"]; then
echo "OK"
elif [$DOM2="OK"]; then
echi "OK"
echo "ERR"
I would never had got that " INP=`cat`" and "echo
$INP" stuff. I would've feebly attempted something
like this:
DOM1=`/usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth ...`
DOM2=`/usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth ...`
...followed by the above evaluation.
Thanks alot for your help. I shall give this a
blast tomorrow when I am in front of the box.
Kind regards,
Hello grolschie,
yes, that's it, what I meant.
But note that there is a little typo.
Instead of echi you should of course write echo.
Then it should work.
Please tell me about the result of your attempt.