I have the firewall which can help to forward the web traffic to the web proxy server. I used Squid as the proxy server and all traffic can pass to firewall then to Squid. However, when I used Websense with Squid, I got the following symptom: 1. In transparent proxy, that is no setting in client IE browser: Client -> Firewall -> Squid -> Websense -> Web Server I found error and I cannot access the Internet browser 2. With the same configuration setting in squid.conf with IE configured: Client -> Squid -> Websense -> Web Server The client can access the web server. 3. Without Websense in Transparent Proxy (ie. No setting in client IE) Client -> Firewall -> Squid I can also access the Internet. My question is why I cannot intregrate Firewall, Squid & Websense together in Transparent Proxy setting. Thanks!!!