> cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA > cache_swap_low 93 > cache_swap_high 95 > > question: Why the cache swap don't reduce to 93% > after reached 95%? What can I > do under those case? You are using LFUDA to cache maximum size of objects so that what is your minimum_object_size TAG configuration? May be because of BIG sized object get stored in cache so that cache_dir is not maintained to the 93% to 95%. Refer more in http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ.html#toc8.9 Best Regards, Squid Runner Team SquidRunner - An Automatic Squid Builder Web: http://freshmeat.net/projects/squidrunner/ Mail: squidrunner_dev at yahoo dot com __________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun. http://www.advision.webevents.yahoo.com/emoticontest