On 21.03 16:20, Juhani Tali wrote:
I have a 2 level setup
1-st level is local squid, eg. squid-office that forward all non-local traffic to 2-nd level squids.
just one machine/process? that could be single point of failure...
Well, if they want, they can install two, I don't mind ;-)
One way might be to add to all 1-st level squids parents to squid-office.conf
cache_peer cache1 parent 3128 7 no-query no-digest default weight=2
cache_peer cache2 parent 3128 7 no-query no-digest default weight=1
Will this work with no-query?
I would not setup no-query. I would set up parent proxy for relationship with each of those squid instances, based on true ICP (on different ports/ips).
the 1st-level proxy can decide who to use as parent for each request.
The setup that I was handed over was without the ICP. Most probably it was finetuned, because the CPU-s are running at 101%
For me ICPs only use is that it allows the clients to load-balance based on response time from the servers. (all queries to all servers?) All the external traffic must pass through the squid-s anyway.
Now I am starting to think, that if the queried parent squid will ask with ICP from other parents/siblings anyway, then what is the real difference...