Evening... We are running the #squid channel on the Freenode IRC network. It's pretty low-traffic but we can help solve a few issues every day. However due to recent changes of the Freenode channel guidelines [1] the #... channels are restricted to official projects. Of course we are doing user support for the Squid proxy software. But due to legal problems many projects have lately been moved to ##... That means we had to move to ##squid unless some "project owner" of Squid registers #squid and appoints operators to run the channel. This guideline is to prevent channel hijacking. Just wanted to draw attention to the potential conflict here. I'm not sure if there is a single person who is "in charge" of Squid. If there were someone then an official statement to the Freenode network operator(s) would help to get this sorted out. Of course renaming a channel wouldn't mean George W. Bush invading China but people know #squid and it would be nice to keep it. Regards Christoph (ChrisH on IRC) [1] http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#primarychannels -- ~ ~ ".signature" [Modified] 3 lines --100%-- 3,41 All