Hi Steve, I've just finished installing squid with auth on a eDirectory LDAP (Novel 5.11) and after some headaches here's what worked 1. run configure with --enable-basic-auth-helpers=LDAP This will compile and install the ldap helper programs 2. test the process from the command line, from your squid installation's /libexec directory: ./squid_auth_ldap \ -H ldap://YourEDirServerHere \ -D "cn=validuser,ou=hisOU,O=hisOrg" \ -w passwordfortheuser \ -b "ou=something,O=something" \ -s sub \ -v 3 \ -f "(&(&(objectClass=person)(cn=%s)) \ (groupMembership=cn=SquidUsers,ou=groupsOU,O=groupsOrg))" Here's what all of this does: -H indicates your ldap server in URI format -D is a user's full DN who can connect to the tree. I created a SquidSrv user for this here. -w is that users password -b is the highest point in your tree where you want to start searching (ie you can limit to an OU instead of searching the WHOLE tree each time) -s sub allows to search the subtree starting at the -b point -v 3 is for LDAP version 3 -f is the LDAP search filter. This perticular one search for a person object with the specified username (the %s) and member of the SquidUsers group (group I created for allowing net access here) When you run that, you'll get a waiting cursor.. the program waits for input from STDIN.. to test simply enter a username and a password to test for authentication.. you'll get OK if the username is valid and the password good, or ERR if anything failed. CTRL-D will end the session.. GOTCHA: by default, eDirectory won't accept cleartext passwords. You have to use ldadps:// to use the SSL port or use the -Z switch to use TLS over the normal TCP port.. I didnt want to figure out what was wrong with my ssl certificate, so I just configure the ldap server to accept cleartext password from Console One.. that's one fight I'm keeping for a less busy moment :) 3. when everyting is working, put the command you used in your squid config **all on one line**.. auth_param basic program /path/to/libexec/squid_auth_ldap -etcetcetc And use it in an ACL acl Verified proxy_auth REQUIRED And allow the traffic on that ACL http_access allow Verified all http_access deny all The 2nd line is to restrict anyone who couldn't be auth'd.. adjust according to your own acl's and policies.. Hope this helps ! Martin On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:33:13 +1100, Steven Adams <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > I would like to get LDAP auth working with Squid over my EDIR Tree. > > I would like to to auth based on what group the user is in and then have > an acl from there. > > Can anyone point me in the right direction, maybe docs or something to > get this working, i have read on the auth_ldap_users (i think it is) but > was no really able to find much good doco on how to do it with groups. > > Thanks! > Steve >