> -----Original Message----- > From: deny1 [mailto:deny1@xxxxxxx] > Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:56 PM > Subject: [squid-users] securise squid > > a nessus scan give this about my squid : > Warning found on port squid-http (3128/tcp) > The misconfigured proxy accepts requests coming > from anywhere. This allows attackers to gain some > anonymity when browsing > some sensitive sites using your proxy, > making the remote sites think that > the requests come from your network. > > http_access deny to_localhost > > another lines to add or uncomment > to avoid this nessus message ? Try by allowing all your necessary requests by proper configuration of ACLs and finally add "http_access deny all" as the final line. This will stop whatever unnecessary access to the system. Regards, Sumith