Hello, I'm new to posting here so here it goes.
I have a site at a certain IP address that has to POST and GET information from that IP address. We have squid setup here and I was getting errors on posting files over a certain size. I looked at the documentation and there are two parameters that I'm interested in, one is request_header_max and the other is request_body_max_size. We have them set to 10K and 512K respectively. I was wondering how can I get squid to skip looking at those parameters for the IP address I'm posting to, but still keep those setting for other sites. I was doing the following, but have no idea if that even helped.
acl myipaddress dst no_cache deny myipaddress
Let me know if these are "global" parameters for the squid cache or whether or not they can be controlled somehow on the site level.
Thanks RT