looking at my store directory makes me think I should add another cache directory or increase the size
your thoughts
Store Directory Statistics: Store Entries : 4031124 Maximum Swap Size : 67107840 KB Current Store Swap Size: 60519440 KB Current Capacity : 90% used, 10% free
Store Directory #0 (ufs): /Volumes/cache1/cache FS Block Size 4096 Bytes First level subdirectories: 16 Second level subdirectories: 256 Maximum Size: 67107840 KB Current Size: 60519440 KB Percent Used: 90.18% Filemap bits in use: 4027925 of 4194304 (96%) Filesystem Space in use: 62736716/244986264 KB (26%) Filesystem Inodes in use: 15684177/61246564 (26%) Flags: SELECTED Removal policy: lru LRU reference age: 21.84 days
-j ----------------------------------- jeff donovan basd network operations (610) 807 5571 x41 AIM xtdonovan