Thank you very much for your consideration. I actually want squid to redirect parameters (that it saves in its cache directory) to the websense server (installed on W2k3). So you think that I need to install the websense plugin for squid on the proxy server. Then squid will be able to redirect parameters to the websense server? Do I need to add any configuration to the websense server? Thanks a lot. --- Kelly_Connor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit : > > > > > > > We are running Websense 5.5 on RH9 with all > components, but we used to only > run the redirector to a Win2K Server. If you just > want squid to run the > redirector, you do the following: > Have squid running prior to all of this, without any > user authentication at > this point. > > Create a folder called /tmp/Websense551 > Put your Websense551Setup_Lnx.tar.gz file in your > /tmp/Websense551 and > un-tar it. > cd to /tmp/Websense551, run ./ > > This is an installshield wizard, so it's pretty > simple. The install does > get redundant in its questions, sometimes. > You will be doing a custom installation. You will > choose to only do an > integration install, and install the Websense plugin > for squid. > > This should be option #4 during the custom install. > You will be prompted for the IP address of your > policy server and filtering > server (the Win2K3 box), as well as the port. Check > your in-house > configurations and the Websense manual in pdf form > for the Win2K3 > installation. > > The installshield will automatically update your > squid.conf with the > redirector information. > > Hope this helps, if not, let me know. I know > politics are often involved, > but if you can swing it, you should really run the > whole thing on one box > if possible. It is much cleaner, and can still be > administrated via the > gui console from a windows client. > > Kelly Connor > Network Technician > Gilbert Unified School District > kelly_connor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : 250 Mo d'espace de stockage pour vos mails ! Créez votre Yahoo! Mail sur