Hi all, I'm new here, nice to meet you. Assume I have a website www.bandwidthkilling.com, hosting a ISP A In order to distribute bandwidth usage to another network / ISP, I want to setup a squid cache server located at another ISP B, host name cache.bandwidthkilling.com Then at my website, I change the images linking from: <img src=http://www.bandwidthkilling.com/somedir/some_images.jpg> to <img src=http://cache.bandwidthkilling.com/somedir/some_images.jpg> Result: when someone access the images using the modified image links, cache.bandwidthkilling.com will fetch and cache www.bandwidthkilling.com/somedir/some_images.jpg , then return the requested images to visitors. After that, further request from clients to http://cache.bandwidthkilling.com/somedir/some_images.jpg will be served by cache.bandwidthkilling.com directly, without touching www.bandwidthkilling.com, until the cached images are expired. Is this possible with squid ? If not, anyone know other solutions for my need? Thanks. Regards, Kyle