I have been running Squid 2.5Stable7 w/SquidGuard on an OSX server 10.3.7 as a transparent proxy.
System works very well and is very stable, until i execute the squid -k rotate command. the logs rotate, then i get a full system freeze. HTTP packets stop passing, all other packets continue to pass.
I have read about linux problems when compiled with Asyc-io, Not sure if the darwin build has the same problem. But i did compile with Async-IO.
i have tried clearing my redirect statement, then rotate; hangs
restart system, restart squid 'squid -sCd1', then rotate ( actually rotates log then hangs ).
tried manual rotate of logs via cron, with various " which comes firsts " still hang. I suspect i may have to recompile.
any suggestions ?
----------------------------------- jeff donovan basd network operations (610) 807 5571 x41 AIM xtdonovan